2nd day DIMAT plenary meeting
12 02 20252nd day of the DIMAT project plenary meeting continued today, 12 February, in Larnaca (Cyprus).
Categories : Materiales
2nd day of the DIMAT project plenary meeting continued today, 12 February, in Larnaca (Cyprus).
The plenary meeting of the DIMAT project started today, 11 February, in Larnaca (Cyprus).
Developed under Erasmus + project number: 2021-1-IE02-KA220-HED-000035812, “Developing Information and Research Skills for Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (InRS)” and edited by Angela Repanovici (UnitBv) and Santiago Ferrándiz Bou (UPV).
Download the ebook in the link http://elblogdelplastico.blogs.upv.es/files/2025/02/INRS-Handbook-of-information-specialists_finalv3-1.pdf
Today we participated in the firefighting training, held at the UPV Alcoi Campus. I was taught by the company SGS.
We had a visit from Professor Marcus Annila from Tallinna TTK University of Applied Sciences, Estonia.
Hoy 9 de diciembre del 2024, hemos visitado el departamento de fabricación aditiva del Instituto Tecnológico del juguete, producto infantil y ocio. Nuestro anfitrión D. Ignacio Sandoval, nos ha ido desgranado todos las tecnologías disponibles del Instituto. AIJU forma parte de la red IMPIVA de institutos tecnológicos. De la EPSA han realizado la visita alumnos del grado de mecánica, diseño y del máster MUIPCM.
On November 27, we welcomed Eng. Alberto Pietro Damiano Baltrocchi from the Universita degli studi dell’Insubria, Italy. The professor gave a master class on LCA analysis to the students of the UPV muipcm.
On October 1st, an training session on the edu4plastic project was given to the UPV students of the Masters in Computer Aided Integrated Manufacturing and Design.
EL pasado 8 de noviembre del 2024, tuvo lugar el concurso de acceso a plazas de cuerpos docentes universitarios, en la que el profesor Santiago Ferrándiz obtuvo el informe favorable de la comisión evaluadora, para la promoción a CU.