Today, 6 November, we participated in the online multiplier event of the INRS project organised by TUS. This event took place face to face at the Conference Room, Dublin City Library and Archive, 139-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. D02 HE37
Programme eventParticipants of Multiplier eventDr. Jerald Cavanagh conference from NUPeter Reilly, Librarian conference from Limerik UniversityDra, Aoife Coffey conference from UC CorkProf, Angela Repanovici conference from UTBvDr, Manolis Koukourakis presentation from U. CreteDr. Santiago Ferrándiz conference from UPVDr. Daina Gudonienė conference from KTUPhD. Mihai Barsan from MB Think Tank, RomaniaAssistant prof., Denis Kos, University of Zagreb, CROATIA