IPEDU multiplier event April 26th

26 04 2023

The multiplier event of the IPEDU project hold on the 26th of April 2023

WIPO event
IPEDU agenda
Project coordinator introduction
Prof. Marilés Bonet speech
Ph.D. Isabel Ibarra from PADIMA speech
Prof. Angela Repanovici from UTBV speech
Mari Cruz Arenas from AIJU speech
Marta Ferrandiz from UPV speech
Ph.D. Elena Pérez from UPV speech
Welcome of Project Leader
Some participants

Links of multiplier event videos here and here 2nd part

IPEDU multiplier event Croatia

25 04 2023

Today, April 25th 2023, we have attended the multiplier event organized by the University of Zagreb, within the Ipedu project «Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy».

online participants
Online Participants
Coordinator Introduction
Croatia presentation


Transnational Project Meeting3rd-6th April 2023, Dublin, Ireland

4 04 2023

The Transnational Project Meeting for the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education funded project Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy (IPEDU) it’s being held on April 3rd-6th 2023 in Dublin, Ireland.

IPEDU program
Head Dublin Library welcome
TUS coordinator project
UTBV partner. Prof Angela Repanovici
UPV team presentation
UPV team presentation
UPV team presentation
IPEDU project parters
IPEDU partners
UOC pertner presentation
UTBV and UOC partners


IPEDU multiplier event. World IP Day 2023

30 03 2023

The multiplier event of the IPEDU project, will be held on April 26th 2023. According to the WIPO website, this event overlaps with “World Intellectual Property Day. Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity”.

WIPO intellectual property day
Agenda IPEDU
IPEDU logo

Follow this event in these teams link



Reunión del Grupo de trabajo FADIT de la SIF

8 03 2023

Hoy 7 de marzo del 2023, ha tenido lugar la reunión virtual del grupo de trabajo FADIT (fabricación aditiva). El grupo Fadit forma parte de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación (SIF).

Participantes del Fadit

Forman parte del Fadit, socios de la SIF, que además son personal docente e investigador de casi todas las universidades de España y que tienen interés en la fabricación aditiva como proceso de fabricación. www.sif-mes.org

2nd day DIGITOOLS final meeting

22 02 2023

Today, February 22nd, celebrate the last session of digitools final meeting

2nd day program
UTBV presentation (Associate Profesor Daniela Popa)
University Zagreb Presentation. Mr. Jasmin Klindžić, Head of the e-learning support center
IPP presentation by Ana Lúcia Terra (PhD Information Science) and Manuel Moreira da Silva (Head of Faculty at Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
UPV presentation, Associate Professor Santiago Ferrandiz
DIGITOOLS Project partners

DIGITOOLS Final project meeting

21 02 2023

Today we begin the first of final meeting of Digitools project, hold at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. From February 21st-22nd.

Mr. Padraig Kirby (Project coordinator; Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest) and UPV partner Santiago Ferrandiz
Prof. Angela Repanovici presentation
Prof. Jasmin Klindzic, from University of Zagreb
online presentation. Prof Ana Terra and Prof. Manuel Moreira, from IP Porto
Prof., Manolis Kourkourakis, from UOC
UPV presentation. Mr. Santiago Ferrandiz.

New telco of European project DIMAT

13 02 2023

Last Friday, February 10th, we attended the Dimat project control meeting

Sharepoint site

Preparando nuevas publicaciones con la SIF

13 02 2023

Una reunión con miembros del grupo de trabajo FADIT de la SIF, para finalizar una publicación sobre fabricación aditiva.

Compañeros de UPV/EHU, UNED y Uca

4th day of INRS Short-term joint staff training

26 01 2023

Today we have completed the INRS project training, with UPV presentation and final discussion

4th day agenda
UPV presentation
UPV presentation
UPV presentation
Discussion project
INRS meeting participants