Starts the 10th MESIC conference at Sevilla (Spain)

28 06 2023

Today starts the 10th edition of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC) held in Sevilla (Spain) from the 28th to the 30th of June 2023. 

Conference program

Prof. Alfredo Sanz (UPM and me (UPV)
Dr. Fernando Mas Plenary Conference
Additive Manufacturing session with University of Leon

Participación del ITM en el proyecto METNET

12 06 2023

El Instituto de Tecnología de Materiales (ITM) junto con el Grupo Satis, AIDIME, Aquasolvent y AIJU están investigando nuevas soluciones de mordentado para el recubrimiento metálico de superficies poliméricas

Póster del proyecto

Defensa de tesis doctoral

31 05 2023

El día 30 de mayo del 2023, se ha participado en el tribunal de defensa de la tesis doctoral de nuestro compañero D. Joaquín Lluch Cerezo, titulada “Análisis y mejora del comportamiento dimensional de termoplásticos impresos en 3D mediante modelado por deposición fundida sometidos a un proceso de tratamiento térmico«. Dicha tesis ha sido dirigida por las doctoras María Desamparados Meseguer y Rut Benavente Martínez. En el tribunal han participado las doctoras Ana Pilar Valerga de la UCa, María Dolores Reyes de Florida Universitaria y el doctor Santiago Ferrándiz de la UPV.

Transnational Project Meeting held in Transilvania University of Brasov

8 05 2023

Held on the 7th-10th May 2023, Brasov (Romania)

meeting agenda
INRS project meeting participants
Ph.D. Padraig Kirby from TUS, Project Coordinator introduction
Prof. Angela Repanovici presentation from UNITBV
Ph.D. Manolis Koukourakis presentation from University of Crete Library, Greece;
Ph.D. Ligita Zailskaite presentation from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Ph.D. Denis Kos presentation, Assistant professor at University of Zagreb
Associate professor Ph.D. Santiago Ferrandiz presentation from UPV
UPV presentation
Presentation of Ph.D. Mihai Bârsan manager of MB THINK TANK company
INRS project partners

IPEDU multiplier event April 26th

26 04 2023

The multiplier event of the IPEDU project hold on the 26th of April 2023

WIPO event
IPEDU agenda
Project coordinator introduction
Prof. Marilés Bonet speech
Ph.D. Isabel Ibarra from PADIMA speech
Prof. Angela Repanovici from UTBV speech
Mari Cruz Arenas from AIJU speech
Marta Ferrandiz from UPV speech
Ph.D. Elena Pérez from UPV speech
Welcome of Project Leader
Some participants

Links of multiplier event videos here and here 2nd part

IPEDU multiplier event Croatia

25 04 2023

Today, April 25th 2023, we have attended the multiplier event organized by the University of Zagreb, within the Ipedu project «Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy».

online participants
Online Participants
Coordinator Introduction
Croatia presentation

Transnational Project Meeting3rd-6th April 2023, Dublin, Ireland

4 04 2023

The Transnational Project Meeting for the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education funded project Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy (IPEDU) it’s being held on April 3rd-6th 2023 in Dublin, Ireland.

IPEDU program
Head Dublin Library welcome
TUS coordinator project
UTBV partner. Prof Angela Repanovici
UPV team presentation
UPV team presentation
UPV team presentation
IPEDU project parters
IPEDU partners
UOC pertner presentation
UTBV and UOC partners

IPEDU multiplier event. World IP Day 2023

30 03 2023

The multiplier event of the IPEDU project, will be held on April 26th 2023. According to the WIPO website, this event overlaps with “World Intellectual Property Day. Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity”.

WIPO intellectual property day
Agenda IPEDU
IPEDU logo

Follow this event in these teams link

Reunión del Grupo de trabajo FADIT de la SIF

8 03 2023

Hoy 7 de marzo del 2023, ha tenido lugar la reunión virtual del grupo de trabajo FADIT (fabricación aditiva). El grupo Fadit forma parte de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación (SIF).

Participantes del Fadit

Forman parte del Fadit, socios de la SIF, que además son personal docente e investigador de casi todas las universidades de España y que tienen interés en la fabricación aditiva como proceso de fabricación.

2nd day DIGITOOLS final meeting

22 02 2023

Today, February 22nd, celebrate the last session of digitools final meeting

2nd day program
UTBV presentation (Associate Profesor Daniela Popa)
University Zagreb Presentation. Mr. Jasmin Klindžić, Head of the e-learning support center
IPP presentation by Ana Lúcia Terra (PhD Information Science) and Manuel Moreira da Silva (Head of Faculty at Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
UPV presentation, Associate Professor Santiago Ferrandiz
DIGITOOLS Project partners