The IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event- 3rd day

30 11 2022

The IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event has been started on 28th November and will finish on 1th of December 2022, at VALENCIA Campus, CPI red cube, Spain. 3rd day

3rd programmed day
The main UPV library
UPV main library
UPV main library
Valencian Library
Valencian library
Valencian library
Partners IPEDU

IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event – 2nd day

29 11 2022

The IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event has been started on 28th November and will finish on 1th of December 2022 , at VALENCIA Campus, CPI red cube, Spain. 2nd day

2nd day program
Prof. Angela Repanovici conference. UTBV Team
Training pills presentation UPV team
EUIPO IP training Basics presentation
Mr. Fernando Conesa conference i2T UPV
On line partipants: from from University of Crete, Ms. Vicky Tsagkaraki
Partners teams

IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event  

29 11 2022

The IPEDU – C3 short-term joint staff training event has been started on 28th November and will finish on 1th of December 2022 , at VALENCIA Campus, CPI red cube, Spain

the IPEDU program
At the beginning
partners assistants
partners assistants
Mr. Ivan Čolakovac presentation from University of Zagreb
IP training pills from UPV team
Romanian Partners team
Ms. Irene Montagud presentation UPV’ lawyer
MB Think thank presentation
On line participants: Ms. Vicky Tsagkaraki from University of Crete, Mr. Jerald Cavanagh (Nazarbayev University Library) and Mr. Paulo Alves de Sousa de Vasconcelos from Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal

Inno3d Transnational Project Meeting-Crete

3 11 2022

We participated in the Transnational Project Meeting (2nd and 3rd November 2022), held in University of Crete, Rethymno Campus, Greece

Crete Partner organizer; photo powered by Chris Tranta
Our presentation;photo powered by Chris Tranta
Visiting Library;photo powered by Chris Tranta

2nd day of meeting at library of University of Crete, Rethymno Campus, Greece.

Exposition of dissemination plans of project; photo powered by Chris Tranta
working on the meeting; photo powered by Chris Tranta
more dissemination plans; photo powered by Chris Tranta
Pick up participant certificate; photo powered by Chris Tranta

2nd day of Digitools project meeting 2 in Bucharest

18 10 2022

Today October, 18th 2022, keep going the Kick Off Meeting 2022, of the project Innovative Tools for Enhancing E-Learning Solutions in Universities (DIGITOOLS). (Physical and Virtual Meeting). The meeting was hosted by Transilvania University of Brasov at Polytechnical University of Bucharest at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Central Library, building A, floor 2, room 2.2, 313 Independence Street, Bucharest, sector 6

Our presentation
Attendees on line

Digitools project meeting 2 in Bucharest

17 10 2022

Today October, 17th 2022, began Kick Off Meeting 2022, of the project Innovative Tools for Enhancing E-Learning Solutions in Universities (DIGITOOLS). (Physical and Virtual Meeting). The meeting was hosted by Transilvania University of Brasov at Polytechnical University of Bucharest at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Central Library, building A, floor 2, room 2.2, 313 Independence Street, Bucharest, sector 6

Meeting program
Tools of e-learning conference
Prof Angela Repanovici Conference

DIGITOOLS Erasmus Days

15 10 2022

Today, October 15th, we celebrate the Erasmus Day meeting. The dissemination activities applied to the DIGITOOLS project.

Participants (18)

The Project information published can be downloaded on the following link:


You can view the session in the video link erasmus_day_digitools

IPEDU Erasmus Days

14 10 2022

Today, October 14th, we celebrate the Erasmus Day meeting. The dissemination activities applied to the IPEDU project.

Project exhibition

Erasmus Merchandising
Project info

The Project information published can be downloaded on the following link:


INNO3D Erasmus Days

13 10 2022

Today we celebrate the Erasmus Day meeting. The dissemination activities applied to the Inno3d project

Location of conference, UPV – Alcoy Campus

If you like, you can download the presentation on the following link:


You can view the session in the video link erasmus_day_inno3d

2nd day of Transnational project meeting Inno3d

21 09 2022

The Inno3d Transnational Project Meeting was held on 20th and 21st September 2022, at Nitra, Slovakia.

online partners
UKF presentation
Greek team presentation
face to face participants
on line participants
UPV team presentation
Visiting the city