New INRS project meeting in Dublin

27 11 2023
Meeting TPM agenda

IPEDU final meeting

26 09 2023

We started the IPEDU transnational final meeting held in Ljubljana (Slovenia), between September, 26th-27th 2023

IPEDU agenda meeting
Welcome from prof. dr. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar, Dean FF UL
Introduction by IPEDU Project Coordinator Padraig Kirby
IPEDU partners
Project Officer Padraig Kirby TUS Librarian and Jerald Cavanagh (Director of Nazarbayev University Library)
Professor Sonja Špiranec from the University of Zagreb
Santiago Ferrándiz from UPV
Prof. Angela Repanovici from UTBV
Mr. Mihai Bârsan, manager of MB THINK TANK
Manolis Koukourakis, Director of Library Services at the University of Crete
IPEDU Meeting partners
Paolo Vasconcelos from Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Paolo Vasconcelos from Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Professor Dr. Polona Vilar from University of Ljubljana
doc. dr. Katarina Švab and Prof Polona VIlar from University of Ljubljana
Gerard Cullen from TU Dresden
Partners meeting
Partners meeting
Partners dinner after meeting

3rd day INRS C2 training meeting

20 09 2023

On 20th, we start the meeting activities in the European Institutions, the Parliament.

3rd day agenda
meeting at the European Parliament
UPV Partner
Rumanian and Spanish partners
InRS European project partners

2nd day INRS C2 training meeting

19 09 2023

19th, started the second day of Inrs training meeting

Meeting agenda
meeting participants
meeting participants
Project Officer Msc. Padraig Kirby TUS Librarian
Prof Angela Repanovici from UTBV
Associate Professor Santiago Ferrandiz from UPV
Associate Prof. Daina Gudoniene from Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Manolis KouKourakis from University of Crete
Assistant Professor PhD. Denis Kos from University of Zagreb
Mag. educ. phil. et mag. bibl Mr. Ivan Čolakovac from University of Zagreb
Mr. Mihai Barsan from MB Think thank company

INRS C2 training meeting

18 09 2023

We started the Inrs C2 training meeting held in Origami Hotel (Strasbourg), between September, 18th-21st 2023

InRS agenda September 18th
InRS meeting participants
Project Officer Msc. Padraig Kirby TUS Librarian
Prof. Angela Repanovici meeting from UTBV
Associate Prof. Santiago Ferrandiz from UPV University
Project Officer Msc. Padraig Kirby TUS Librarian and Mr. Jerald Cavanagh
Associate Prof. Daina Gudoniene from Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Manolis KouKourakis from University of Crete
Prof. Sonja Spiranec from University of Zagreb
Prof. Mihaela Banec Zorica from University of Zagreb
Mr. Mihai Barsan from MB Think thank company

DIMAT Project plenary meeting in Lugano (CH)

11 07 2023

We attended the plenary meeting of the Dimat European Project, held at SUPSI (Lugano), on July 11th and 12th

Agenda meeting Dimat
Agenda for 2nd meeting day
Associated Professor Santiago Ferrándiz from UPV-ITM
Dissemination activities by Mr. Pablo de Andrés (Fraunhofer), Mr. Santiago Ferrándiz (UPV) and Mr. Illias Gialampoukidis (CERTH)
WP6 explanation, 2nd day
Researcher Jaume Sempere with DIMAT (Materials Processing Simulation toolkit)
Plenary Meeting participants
UPV and AITEX teams

Starts the 10th MESIC conference at Sevilla (Spain)

28 06 2023

Today starts the 10th edition of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC) held in Sevilla (Spain) from the 28th to the 30th of June 2023. 

Conference program

Prof. Alfredo Sanz (UPM and me (UPV)
Dr. Fernando Mas Plenary Conference
Additive Manufacturing session with University of Leon

Participación del ITM en el proyecto METNET

12 06 2023

El Instituto de Tecnología de Materiales (ITM) junto con el Grupo Satis, AIDIME, Aquasolvent y AIJU están investigando nuevas soluciones de mordentado para el recubrimiento metálico de superficies poliméricas

Póster del proyecto

Defensa de tesis doctoral

31 05 2023

El día 30 de mayo del 2023, se ha participado en el tribunal de defensa de la tesis doctoral de nuestro compañero D. Joaquín Lluch Cerezo, titulada “Análisis y mejora del comportamiento dimensional de termoplásticos impresos en 3D mediante modelado por deposición fundida sometidos a un proceso de tratamiento térmico«. Dicha tesis ha sido dirigida por las doctoras María Desamparados Meseguer y Rut Benavente Martínez. En el tribunal han participado las doctoras Ana Pilar Valerga de la UCa, María Dolores Reyes de Florida Universitaria y el doctor Santiago Ferrándiz de la UPV.

Transnational Project Meeting held in Transilvania University of Brasov

8 05 2023

Held on the 7th-10th May 2023, Brasov (Romania)

meeting agenda
INRS project meeting participants
Ph.D. Padraig Kirby from TUS, Project Coordinator introduction
Prof. Angela Repanovici presentation from UNITBV
Ph.D. Manolis Koukourakis presentation from University of Crete Library, Greece;
Ph.D. Ligita Zailskaite presentation from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Ph.D. Denis Kos presentation, Assistant professor at University of Zagreb
Associate professor Ph.D. Santiago Ferrandiz presentation from UPV
UPV presentation
Presentation of Ph.D. Mihai Bârsan manager of MB THINK TANK company
INRS project partners