materiales en rotomoldeo
20 05 2020materiales que se usan para modes de rototmoldeo
Categories : Diseño de moldes/Molds design
materiales que se usan para modes de rototmoldeo
El profesor Petru Adrian Pop, de la Universidad de Oradea (Rumania), impartió el pasado miércoles 10 de mayo del 2017, una lección magistral en el Máster de Ingeniería, procesado y caracterización de materiales.
La charla se titulaba «The Cad-Cam Design Of Die Casting Mold For Sound Absorbent Gypsum Panels”
Autor: Patricia Parrado.- 5 abril 2016.-
Everybody knows that 3D printing is helpful to prototype your products before investing in tooling. Manufacturing of prototypes has been traditionally very expensive but since the arrival of 3D printing for injection molding, that’s not a problem anymore!
In fact, 3D printing is commonly used to build prototype parts for the detection of issues related to form, fit and function. However, 3D printed prototypes cannot provide a complete assessment of an injection molded part’s functional performance, because 3D material properties are different than those actually used in injection molding.
Up to now, the only option to produce injection molded parts was to previously procure an aluminum tool. While these molds are far less expensive than their steel counterparts, costs and lead times are still significant.
Today, it is even possible to print also the injection molds in 3D. These injection molds are perfect when designing the prototype of the product with more detail.
3D printers deliver a very high resolution and smooth surfaces that are ideal for building injection molds, capable of producing prototype parts in end-use thermoplastic.
Furthermore, they can be constructed in one or two days, the opposite to days and weeks for metal tools.
The most interesting part is that, by using these tools instead of the metallic ones, a company will reduce the investment costs up to 80% and acquisition time by 50%!
Source: Seuffer
Let us share with you a nice case study.
Seuffer is a German engineering and manufacturer of electromechanical equipment for automotive and house hold appliances, such as main switches, direction indicators, gear selector switches etc.
They produce between 12 to 15 million plastic parts per year and also buy that quantity to their suppliers, with a benefit of 100 million $.
Seuffer used to produce some prototypes with a 3D printer, but the rest of them with injection molds. They started to print not only the prototypes, but also their injection molds, reducing their prototyping costs and lead times dramatically.
The figure on the left shows the comparison, in time and cost spent, before and after using the 3D printer to produce injection molds.
Before using the 3D printing to manufacture the molds, they spent 56 days and 40,000 € to produce their tools.
Today, they spend only 2 days and 1,000 €!
Time and costs have been consistently reduced, in around 90% and 97.5%, respectively!
This technique has helped Seuffer improve their Time To Market with fewer changes to final mass production.
Looking at Seuffer’s results, 3D printing will be the future of manufacturing, don’t you think?
And … BTW … Do you remember our challenge about lost wax casting? The winner solution was in fact a similar idea! So … if you like to challenge yourself, learn and win cash prizes…
El alumno Antonio Carmona ha presentado el proyecto final de carrera de doble titulacion, diseño y mecánica, el pasado jueves 13 de febrero, en el salón de grados de la EPSA.
Un proyecto muy elaborado y con una muy buena presentación.
Más fotos del proyecto final de carrera de Hamal.
Os pongo unas fotos de seguimiento de construcción de una maquina herramienta.
El alumno que realiza la tarea es Yasid Hamal. Los directores son Juan Rufino, D. Juarez y M.A. Peydro.
Links son:
o una de origen de la maquina :
Video interesante de diseño de moldes en solidworks©
El día 20 de Julio del 2011, se organiza un curso de verano sobre green manufacturing.
Temas a desarrollar: Miércoles 20 Julio 2011
9:00 a 9:30h. Recepción y presentación de ponentes
9:30 a 10:15h. Análisis de procesos de conformado por deformación plástica.
Dr. Lorenzo Sevilla Hurtado
Profesor Titular de Universidad de Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricación. Universidad de Málaga
10:15 a 11:00h. Técnicas de modelado y análisis por métodos numéricos de los procesos de conformado por deformación.
Dr. Diego Calentano
Profesor de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalúrgica. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
11:00 a 11:30 h. Pausa/ café
11:30 a 12:15h. Los nuevos aceros TWIP.
D. Rafael Pla Ferrando
Profesor de Ingeniería Mecánica. Universitat Politècnica de València
12:15 a 13:00h. Modelo simplificado de evaluación de la sostenibilidad en procesos de conformado por deformación.
Dr. Miguel Ángel Sebastián Pérez
Catedrático de Ingeniera de los Procesos de Fabricación. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
13:00 a 13:30h. Mesa Redonda: Avances en procesos y en materiales en el Conformado por Deformación Plástica.
Modera Dr. Enrique Ares
Dr. Miguel Ángel Sebastián Pérez
Dr. Lorenzo Sevilla Hurtado
Dr. Diego Calentano
D. Rafael Pla Ferrando
Dónde y Cuándo | |
Dónde | ALCOI |
Horario | MAÑANA |
Observaciones del horario | Miércoles 9:00 a 14:00 |
Lugar de Impartición | Salón Grados Roberto García Payá. Edificio Carbonell. EPSA |
Fecha Inicio | 20/07/11 |
Fecha Fin | 20/07/11 |
_mas información en este link.